Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Mengapa Cowo Suka Cewek Langsing

Hey guys ...kali ini gue mau ngebahas tentang emmm berat badan. hayooh jangan tersinggung yaa yang punya "kelebihan " XD...

Emmm gue dapet informasi dari temen2 gue nih mengapa cowo suka cewek kurus.


kebanyakan cowo bangga kalo cewenya langsing , kalo mereka cewe gendut mereka malu sama temen- temennya karena gengsi dilihat orang .

2.Badan Lebih ideal

Menurut temen -temen cowo gue orang langsing itu ideal , nggak terlalu gendut dan nggak terlalu kurus .


Biasanya kalo cewe gemuk banyak makan *peace!! jadi si cowo bakal tekor dompetnya cuma buat jajanin pacar gendut doang , sementara kalo pacarnya kurus dibeliin teh poci juga kenyang soalnya takut gendut kalo makan banyak hehhehe

4.Enak dipandang

Cowo suka memandangi badan cewe yang langsing soalnya katanya enak dipandang dibandingkan yang memiliki berat badan berlebih . Kalo ngeliat cewe dengan berat badan berlebih kesan dimata cowo yaitu "subur ".


5. Cocok kalau pake baju apa aja

Cewe langsing pake apa aja bagus, ukuran S,M , L  , tapi namun bagi yang memilki berat badan berlebih biasanya sulit untuk  memilih baju yang lucu-sexy -atau ketat.

Emm finally itu sih menurut temen2 aku berdasarkan wawancara ...menurutku berat badan berlebih atau langsing nggak masalah selama kita sehat dan enjoy :)) So , just be yourself <3

Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

How To Make Chicken Katsu

Hey guys ... i would like to tell you how to make Chicken Katsu ,a simple recipe . This is one of my favorite food. Okay, lets come to the kitchen and prepare the materials. (2 portion)


1/2 kgs chicken fillet/ chicken breast

1 pack of spice flour

 the brand i always use is "Tepung Bumbu Sasa"

1 pack of bread crumb
mayounise /sauce

 Salad / fry potatoes


1. Pour the spice flour into a bowl .

2. Add some water , make sure not too thick and not too liquid.

3.  Cut in half the chicken fillet.

4. Cover the chicken with the spice flour.

5.After coat the chicken with the spice flour  , coat the chicken with the breadcrumbs.

6.Fry the chicken on the oil.

7.Serve the chicken with mayounise/sauce.

8.Add some salad or  potatoes on that.

IT'S EASY. LETS COOK! TRY IT ON YOUR KITCHEN ;) see you in the another recipe.

Senin, 24 September 2012


the next bule adalah .....

6. Haseeeb :)))

 haha i miss him , really but i know this is the best for us . We know each other about on July or August . But then we closer in about August . He is a nice person , from pakistan . He is nice , moslem , and always support me :) . He is a policeman , i added his fb then we intensive have a communication  on fb and skype . He is romantic u know, haha . Finally , we r break up on 1 st of September . But you're a little bit still on my heart haha.

7. Thomas 
He is Damien Thomas , he wanna be an actor :) He is from New Delhi , India . His mother is a chef , so  he can cook :P . He is about 20 years old . Umm ... he has sixpack body !! And he is cool haha


Jumat, 21 September 2012


Chatting bareng bule yaitu semacam obrolan/ percakapan bareng bule . Medianya banyak banget , biasanya bisa lewat social media ex ; fb , twitter , and other . Bisa juga lewat situs web kaya http://chatroulette.com/ atau www.omegle.com atau banyak deeeh . Oh iya gue kadang kalo lagi bete seneng tuh skype-an ama bule , abisnya seru , ganteng (biasanya) , bisa belajar bahasa inggris , dan tahu budaya baru . Bule tuh sebutan orang Indonesia buat orang asing yang biasanya berkulit putih , tinggi , brunette or blonde . Nih ada beberapa bule di skype/omegle/fb yang lucu , dan berkesan buat gue haha.

 namanya Maxwell ....Ganteng kan??? Dia orang Canada umurnya 16 taun . Dianya model lho haha dia bilang kalo dia udah gede nanti dia bakalan inget gue sebagai fans pertama dia haha. Dia punya pacar orang filipina-italy . Pokoknya Maxwell itu lucu haha . Dia tinggal di apartemen sendiri kadang kadang suka bareng pacarnya haha. Dia pengen kuliah di engineering , dan well he's a nice person .

2. Yunus Emre Zorum

Yunus itu orang Dikmen , Ankara , Turkey . Awalnya ketemu di skype terus di fb dan kita jadi sering komunikasi haha . Terus dia bilang kalo dia suka ama gue aww hahaha ....gue juga sih tertarik ama dia abisnya dia tuh selalu perhatian ama gue haha. Pagi -paggi di sekolah pasti aja ada message dari Yunus :)
kyak : *Heyy  setiap pagi :) dia juga selalu nemenin gue kaya ngerjain pr Biologi . :D Finally we break up haha because something . fb nya : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1218949785&ref=ts

3. Michael

Dia kaya seorang kaka bagi gue haha. Dia cita-citanya jadi dokter hewan ,tinggal di Algeria sampe sekarang kita suka chatting di fb , umurnya 20-an lah . Dia kuliah di kedokteran hewan soalnya dia suka banget ama hewan .

4. James Garten

James itu orangnya romantis haha .... kita maen truth or dare dan seru banget . Orangnya asik deeeh haha
gue dibikinin puisi yang so sweet abis pokoknya romantiss deh haha .... kalo gak salah dia Australian :) Blonde boy huahaha


Josh itu orangnya serius , baik , emm to the point . Rambutnya dulu kaya rocker gitu wwkwk. Umurnya 18 taun lah tapi mukanya tua , dia itu American brunette boy .:)


18Days before 18 Years Old
created by : Namira Nur Arfa

nce upon a time in New York City lived a handsome boy named  Maxwell. He was 17 years old .He lived in his apartment by his own self. He was a  really rich person . He worked as a director in a business . He was a succes person , but he didn’t keep his health . One day , he felt something wrong in his head . A really strong headache and bled . Then , he went to a hospital . He thought that he had a migrain but Doctor said that he contract a brain cancer .Doctor said that his life just about  a week more . He felt really sad , he cried , he screamed and he felt that his life was collapse .After that,  he decided  move to a new village , a small village , which far away from the noisy of a big city like New York . He left his job as a director , left his glamour life , left his apartment , left his big Business , left his luxurious cars and left everything he had  . He moved to a small village named  Pearlland . He stayed in a house , not too elegant house but a big house. He brought his violin from his apartment . Day by day he played his violin . He felt so lonely but this was his want , he want lonely in his death . When he was playing a song , a cute cat came to his house and her feet was hurted   then Maxwell  gave a plaster in her feet . After that, he fed the cat . Suddenly , she change into a beautiful Fairy . When he was startled about the miracle , The fairy introduced her self . Her named was Pearl , she was a beautiful and nice  fairy in this village . That was why this village named Pearlland .The Fairy said thanks to Maxwell because he helped her when she was injured.  But he was seen sad then he cried .
“Maxwell , why are you look sad?”
“Pearl, can you give me a miracle?”
“Of course. I’ll give  what you want.”
“Really? “
“Of course .Say what you want.”
“Doctor said that i will die , i don’t know when , maybe now  or tommorrow or the day after tommorow , but he said my death already near .Can i still life until 18 years old?”
“Okay .Now is 1st December , I’ll gave you 18 days to life and when December 18th  exactly when you’re  18th years old you will  dead.”
Then the fairy dissapeared. Maxwell’s body shined then he felt really healthy. Then , he walked around the village . He looked a really beautiful view , a really fresh air , a shining water and a nicest summer . Everything were awesome . He was exhausted then he sat under an apple tree and played his violin. When he was sitting and playing his violin , a beautiful girl named Edelweiss observe intently to him . She was really amazed to a boy who played the violin  until she gave an applause for him . He was startled but happy . He handshaked with Edelweiss . Edelweiss admired him . He was happy but shy too . He looked at Edelweiss ‘s face and he felt falling in love with Edelweiss .  His heart beat became so fast , his eyes couldn’t stop to see her eyes , and the world like stopped . She closer to him then they smiled together . She introduced herself and also him .After that he promised to her that he will come to that place tommorow at the same time .  Then he went home, he smiled everytime . He felt falling in love with a girl who took his heart, Edelweiss . The next day , he went to the place where he met Edelweiss in the first time and at the same time when he met Edelweiss in the first time . He amazed to Edelweiss because he looked really beautiful with her yellow dress. She gripped his hand then they walked to a park.He gave a ring which his mother’s ring and he brought an aromatic beautiful red rose . Then he asked Edelweiss to be his girlfriend then Edelweiss accepted him to become her boyfriend  . She was so happy Day by day gone .....He spent his time with his new girlfriend , he was really happy . Sometimes they went to a lake then paddled the boat, they walked around the village rode a horse , sang together , danced together , or climbed up the mountain . Then one day he looked sad.
“Edelweiss , tommorow just my 18Th birthday and i feel so sad .”
“Why are you so sad, you should be happy of tomorow my sweetheart.”
“Tomorrow can you come to my house ?”
“Oh yeah , why not .”
Then the next day Edelweiss bought a birthday cake .She felt strange  because he wore  a blackdress. She walked to the door , then she knocked the door . He didn’t answer. She knocked and knocked the door but still quiet . She found a pink letter . She took it then read it . She cried when she was reading it .

18th of  December
Dear Edelweiss ,
Hey Edelweiss , how are you my honey? Good right? Hey honey , i have to say something . I have a braincancer , lol. What a craze disease , yeah.. but i actually contract it. I feel hurted  here...in my head , sometimes i bled , disgusting right? But forget it , i just wanna say thank you honey for our 18 days together . Altough it is just 18 days , it means a lot for me J . I love you , love you , love you so bad and i will miss you L but don’t sad you’ll find someone better than me . Love you . Thanks for  the  18 great days!
Then she quickly broke the door which made from  a really hard wood and entered his house . She found many blood in the floor , she ran to his bedroom . She found maxwell  laid in his bed . He was seen  so pale.He bled , then he smiled.
“I love you honey , thanks for our 18 days together.”
“Hey sweetheart not only 18 days but will be 19 days 20 days and ....”
“Hey , don’t cry cutie ! Why are you using a blackdress? To come to my burial?”
“no.. no i just i don’t know why , don’t leave me , please .”
“Today is my 18th birthday and my last day , i lo....ve yo..u.”
That was the last conversation between Maxwell and Edelweiss . Edelweiss felt so sad and sorrow. But Maxwell got the best 18 days on his life .

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Pubertas (Puberty)

Pubertas adalah masa saat tubuh berkembang dan berubah dari anak anak menjadi dewasa. Biasanya pubertas pada cewek dimulai saat cewek berusia 8-13 tahun dan pada cowok terjadi pada usia 10-15 tahun. Secara ilmiah, pubertas terjadi karena kelenjar pituari mengirim sinyal kepada tubuh untuk memproduksi suatu hormon , yaitu hormon estrogen yang dominan pada cewek dan hormon androgen yang dominan pada cowok .
Secara garis besar, perubahan yang terjadi pada tubuh wanita adalah sebagai berikut:
a)  Tinggi badan bertambah
b) Tubuh mulai berkembang
c)  Payudara mulai tumbuh
d) Mengeluarkan lebih banyak keringat dan mungkin bau badan
e)  Rambut akan terlihat lebih berminyak
f)   Kulit cenderung berminyak dan jerawat mulai timbul
g)  Tumbuh bulu halus di sekitar ketiak , kaki , dan pangkal paha
h) Mulai mengalami haid /menstruasi

Memahami Perubahan Tubuh
Tinggi badan akan melonjak pesat , bisanya 5cm pertahun , namun apabila pertumbuhan optimal bisa mencapai 10 cm pertahun .
Pinggul akan bertambah lebar , bahkan sebagian ada pula yang mengalami paha serta pantat membesar .
Telapak kaki akan mengalami pertumbuhan yang luar biasa.

      Mengenal Pertumbuhan Payudara
Pada waktu masa pubertas , pertumbuhan dada pada wanita mulai membesar karena payudara mulai memproduksi kelenjar susu yang berfungsi untuk menyusui bayi . Kelenjar susu ini dilindungi lemak sehingga tumbuh membentuk payudaara dewasa . Pertumbuhan payudara tidak terjadi sekaligus , pertama –tama putingnya dulu tumbuh keluar baru payudara tampak membengkak . Pertumbuhan payudara ini dialami wanita pada usia yang berbeda-beda ada yang tumbuh di usia 9 tahun ada juga pada usia belasan tahun.

      Masalah Keringat dan Bau Badan
Berkeringat adalah hal yang normal . Tapi di masa pubertas ini masalah keringat terasa menjadi runyam karena selain lebih terkonsentrasi di ketiak aromanya juga tidak sedap . Mengapa bisa begitu?
Fungsi keringat adalah menjaga suhu tubuh . Tubuh memiliki dua macam kelenjar keringat .
@Kelenjar keringat luar (ekrin)
Memproduksi keringat bening dan tidak berbau . Kelenjar ini ada semenjak kita lahir dan selama itu tidak berbau
@Kelenjar keringat dalam (apokrin)
Mulai aktif bereproduksi saat kam mengalami pubertas , kelenjar inilah yang memproduksi keringat yang menimbulkan bau badan .
Kelenjar keringat terdapat di sekujur tubuh kecuali bibir dan telinga .
Setiap orang memiliki kurang lebih 2,5 juta kelenjar.
Untuk mengalami masalah aroma tak sedap sebenarnya cukup dengan mandi dua kali sehari secara teratur . Bila memang dirasa perlu , kamu bisa menggunakan deodoran yang fungsinya untuk menyamarkan bau badan. Cewek memiliki lebih banyak kelenjar keringat dibandingkan cowok .

      Kala Rambut jadi Berminyak
Pada saat Pubertas , kelenjar minyak aktif bereproduksi .Salah satunya dikeluarkan melalui folikel rambut . Minyak yang muncul di rambut membuat rambut terlihat kusam , lepek , dan sulit diatur . Rambut pun menjadi lebih cepat kotor, karena debu dan kotoran lebih mudah menempel . Produksi minyak pada akar rambut saat pubertas dapat diatasi dengan perawatan rambut secara seksama dan menggunakan produk perawatan rambut yang tepat .
Jenis jenis rambut :
Rambut normal : rambut tampak indah dan sehat
Rambut berminyak: kusam , lepek , susah diatur.
Rambut kering: tampak kering dan rapuh
Kiat –Kiat merawat rambut:
Gunakan shampo secara teratur untuk membersihkan dan merawat rambut
Gunakan conditioner untuk menghilangkan kusut dan mengatasi rambut bercabang
Lakukan creambath sesekali untuk merangsang pertumbuhan rambut dan membuat rambut lebih lembut .

      Jera Wat
Jerawat adalah infeksi kulit yang disebabkan tersumbatnya pori-pori kulit oleh sel kulit mati atau debu dan bakteri yang mengakibatkan pembengkakan atau noda merah pada wajah .
Cara mencegah jerawat :
@mencuci kulit minimal dua kali sehari
@olahraga teratur
@mengkonsumsi air putih yang ckup
@mengkonsumsi buah dan sayuran
@istirahat atau tidur yang cukup
Vitamin Untuk mencegah Jerawat :
*vit A:
Mengendalikan produksi minyak  kulit
Menguatkan jaringan kulit
Mencegah jerawat
*vit B:
Membantu memerangi jerawat , melancarkan regenerasi kulit
*Vit C:
Antibakteri terbaik melawan jerawat
*vit E:
Mencegah radang kulit , membuat kulit cerah dan kenyal.

      Cairan V
Cairan berwarna bening atau putih yang keluar dari V berfungsi untuk mencegah V dari kekeringan dan infeksi . Cairan yang dapat menimbulkan rasa gatal di kulit sekitar V menandakan adanya gejala infeksi . Cairan ini tampak kental , kekuningan dan berbau. Bila kondisi ini dialami segeralah konsultasi dengan dokter .
      Menstruasi atau Haid
Menstruasi atau haid adalah proses luruhnya dinding rahim yang disertai dengan pendarahan dan berulang setiap bulan kecuali saat terjadi kehamilan. Menarche atau menstruasi pertama dialami usia antara 10-16 tahun. 
*to be continue