Sabtu, 27 April 2013


There’s Something in Padang’s Sate
                I was standing up beside a street when a Sate Seller came and try to sell his Sate.
Then he came to me  “ Do you wanna Sate?” he asked . “Ohh is there any Chicken Sate?” i answered. “ No, there’s no chicken Sate , it is Padang’s Sate.” “No, i wanna Chicken Sate “, i said. “Madam , there’s no chicken in Padang’s Sate “, he tried to explain it to me . “Hmm  but i wanna chicken Sate“, i said loudly. “Madam it is Padang’s Sate  , so you can’t buy chicken Sate “, he answered.
                “Okay then, i wanna meat Sate “, i said . And then he said to me “Madam , this is Padang’s Sate , we don’t use any chicken or meat .” “But  i wanna eat meat or chicken Sate”,i said. “Madam! This is Sate from Padang ! There aren’t chicken or meat and this is not use chicken or meat!”, he said. “How ...stupid  you are ? You made this Sate from Padang and  bring it to Bogor then sell here? Why don’t you sell this Sate in Padang? Padang and Bogor have a  long distance ! What a crazy person are you!”, I said.
                “Whattt!!!!!!????”, he said and he shocked. Then he asked “ Madam it’s about 20 minutes to tell you about Padang’s Sate”, he said angrily. “There’s no chicken or meat in the Padang’s Sate !”, he added. “Hmm”, i asked. “It used cow’s tongue”, he said . “ What ? tongue of a cow?”i asked .” use tongue and so delicious”, he said.
                “Hmm tongue? Sounds yummie!”, i asked . “ So how many stick Padang’s Sate do you want?”,He asked . “What? No i don’t want it... i just wanna ask you this adress, do you know this adress? “ I said. “So you don’t want to buy this Sate ?”, he asked angrily .”Of course no , do you know this adress?”, i said . “What!!!!!??”,he said and then he left me as fast as possible. I just smiled and tried to search the adress.


                                                                The Another Love at First Sight Story
Last week , i went to mosque at my school for pray.  I brought a pink sandals from my house , so when i went to pray it was easy . I went to the mosque with some of my friends..then i decide to go  to the class early because i wanna study for the next lesson , Physics lesson. Outside the mosque , i used a sandal and went to the canteen to buy mineral water. Before , i went to the canteen i saw a boy , who was using  glasses , have a tall body , handsome and have a perfect smile , smiled to me . Suddenly , my heartbeat became so fast and i thought i loved him at first sight. He  smiled again to me , and i thought he felt the same with me , he felt in love with me since at first sight too.
                Then i went to the canteen , and i saw that boy followed and smiled again to me . My heartbeat became faster and faster . After that , i decided to go to the meatball seller , and so he did . I ate my meatballs.. then he came with his meatballs and sat beside me. He greeted me “ Hey girls ..”. “Hey “, i answered shyly. “What’s your name ?” he asked . “Mmm...i’m ... Jane”, i answered.
                Ohh i thought he felt in love with me , that’s why he came here and tried to know me.
“Jane ..i should tell you something”, He said. Ohh something ? What is that? Would he express his love to me ? or Would he told me that he felt in love with me since at first sight? Ohhh i don’t know.“But don’t angry Jane ,Okay?” He said. “Okay”, i said. “Really?”, he asked me . “Sure”, i answered. He closer to me and whispered “ hey Jane , you used my blue sandals , see it!!! Your sandals is Pink! It’s impossible if i use your Pink sandals!! Gimme my sandals back!!”, he said. Then my heart was broken , i realized that i used his sandals,... oh he wasn’t fall in love with me, it was  because his sandals.


                                                                What Happened With My Car?
                One day , i went to Grand Indonesia with some of my friends. There we went to Magnum Cafe and went to ZARA . We bought some dress and some clothes,we  felt so happy. Then when the time was over and it was being night we went to the Parking Place.  Then I realized that I forgot where did i save my keys. “ahh ... nindi i forgot ...where did I save my car’s key!”, I said . “Are you serious ?”, Namyra said . “Yeah . Nindi , Namyra what should I do?” , I said. “Come on go to the Information Centre and we can ask to the informan and announce the losing of the Key”, Namyra said. 
                One hours went , then a boy who was using black shirt and Nike-shoes came. “Madam , i found this Key, oh yeah I’m Chris”, he said . Then i said “ Thank you so much” to that boy who was finding my Key . “Is that your Key ?”, Nindi said. “Yeah” i replied .””Okay , come on now it’s at 6 PM we must hurry up or our  parents will angry to us “, Namyra said. Then we ran as fast as possible to the Car , and we found an Avanza Silver . “Finally ... lets go home !”,I said. But , unfortunately something bad happened to me and my friends. I couldn’t unlock the car’s door. “Oh... what happened with my car?”, I said. “I couldn’t unlock the door”, i added. “Hey maybe that’s because you lost your key before, maybe something happened to your key”, Namyra said.
                “Oh My God....what’s the another?! “,I said. We waited for 30 minutes..we tried and tried to open the car but it didn’t work . And it was became late at night, me and my friends were afraid because our parents called by phone and asked we to go home hurry. I started to cry , Nindi also . Namyra tried to cheer me up. “Come on... we will find the way ..”, Namyra said .
“I can’t stand it anymore”, I answered.”Today was so annoying “, Nindi said . Then i said” God help me , send me an angel who can help me to go home “. Suddenly Chris , who found our Car’s key came and he said “hey girls, what are you doing here?”, he asked nicely. “Hey shut up your mouth , what did you do with my  key?” , I said angrily . I tried to open the car but it didn’t work. “Hey girl , that’s my car see the number is B 6226 JK.” Then he opened the car . “Maybe yours is that Avanza Silver , the two cars from right”, he added. “I saw  that cars..two  cars from the right ,,,the number is F 6262 JK. “Oh yeah,,,he is true, that’s hs car and this is mine”, i said shily. Then i opened my car and we went home. “How awkward that was”,  I said.

SAMPLES OF SPOOF TEXT (by namira nur arfa)

                                                                Secret Murder
One day, when i was walking through the street i saw a really dark house. It was about 9 PM ,i was after bought some foods in the Minimarket . The house was really dark  ,the lamp all turned off , with many big tress, that house made me feel scaried then made me faster to walk. 
Then i knew that was Josh’s house , a weird and goodygoody person . The wind was really big at that time and made me afraid and it was like in the Horror Movie. After that , i heard a really big voice, and it was like a girl who was crying . I tried to search the source of that voice.. I looked in the street , to the some cars there, but there weren’t the source , until i knew the source of that voice was from Josh’s house.  When i got near with Josh’s house , the voice was louder . I tried to walk to Josh’s house and i went to Josh’s yard.
I heard a voice “I’ll Kill you stupid!! Go way ! Go away!” and i knew that was Josh’s voice. Then i heard  a girl was crying . At that time , the wind was so huge which made the door opened , the door a little opened . I didn’t know why , but then i realized that i was in the Josh’s living room . I heard the voice louder it was like “Awww.....that’s hurt !” . That voice made my body cold and sweat,  i tried to go to the dining room . In Josh’s house was so dark , i didn’t know why and i couldn’t see everything clearly .
But i saw , Josh was hold a big knife , a really incisive knife and it was full of blood. Suddennly my body was vibrated , and i could think everything clearly , i said “ Oh my God , i can’t see it  , my neighbor will kill his wife and i see it , Oh My God i can’t believe it , i’ll be popular on newspaper as famous as Justin Bieber and become a witness of a Bloody Murder .” “No , i wont i have to go home , now!” I said.
Then i heard the girl who was crying shouted “Ahh...that is sick, please help me , don’t do this to me .” That voice made me frightened , fastly i ran to the door but unfortunately i fell a vase flower which made a really noisy . “ Who is there? “, Josh said . “No one “, i replied . Ohh how stupid i was , why did i answer. “ Hey come here ! Who is there?”, said Josh strongly. He walked to me , i tried to run , but i couldn’t . He saw me and he brought a really huge knife . I ran but then i fell into the floor , Josh came with that scary Knife . “Ohh Josh Please don’t kill me , i just ..i just...please don’t kill me , i just wanna alive and made my parents happy . I still have a small dogs , and i don’t want to die  sir Please... “I said slowly but sure with small voice and my tears was falling .”Hey Namyra , what do you talking about?”, he said and he seems confused. Then he hold my hands and he brought me to the Kitchen . “Namyra , can you help me with this freshwater catfish? i try to kill them , but they still alive , they’re bloody but still alive , i have to cook for my dinner”, he said . “Okay Sir , but why is your Wife shouting and crying?”, i asked . “ohh she fell from the upstairs and someone is massage her and she felt hurted and sick “, he answered. “Honey i wanna eat now”, Mrs Josh said. “Can u hear that Namyra ? I have to cook this freshwater catfist fastly but they’re still alive although i use a really big knife “, he said.  “Ohh i forgot to turn on my lamp ,ahh this is because this murder , a freshwater catfish murder” he added . “By the way what are you doing on my house Namyra?”, he asked .


Why is Obesity Dangerous?

            Obesity or overweight is defined as an  abnormal or over fat accumulation that may harm our health. The case of obesity was once considered a problem in developed countries. However, now it is expanded in developing countries. Why is obesity very dangerous for us?
                        As reported by the World Health Organization , at least 2.8 million adults die each year due to being overweight or obesity. There are some disorders or diseases caused by excess weight or obesity. First , obesity can cause weakness of the heart medications that interfere with the heart pump power. Second , along with increasing blood pressure, sugar and blood fat, obese people are highly susceptible to stroke. Third psychosocial problem ,  sometimes obese people lead to depression, especially in women. Then,  recent reports World Health Organization estimates that obesity and living a relaxed responsible for the onset of breast cancer, colon and esophagus. In English, 20-30 thousand cancer cases per year occur in people who suffer from obesity. The last , study of the Framingham Heart Study in the U.S. found that men or women over the age of 40 years and excessive weight (BMI over 30) was estimated to be 7 years shorter than those who have normal weight.
                        The conclusion based on the reasons, we can conclude that obesity  is bad for our healthy . The above facts prove that obesity is dangerous for our life.